Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
素裸的妝面, 只有亮紅色的誇張暈染牽引著你的目光, 這就是來自Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝。
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
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Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind

Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind

Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind
Creatures of the Wind 2013春夏女裝秀秀場彩妝細節
圖片來自Creatures of the Wind