富含優質大豆和荷荷巴油, 柔軟肌膚, 調整肌膚的顏色, 滋潤肌膚, 這是清潔的革命。
可以按著個人肌膚不同, 採用不同的清潔方式, 用來深層清潔頑固彩妝, 或去除粗大毛孔深層污垢。 聽聽英國用戶怎麼說:
我的皮膚是幹性。 對我來說, 這款潔顏油是最棒的卸妝潔顏產品了, 用了好幾年還是那麼愛!
Got my first VIE cleansing oil as a free gift. It's really a good deal. I wear cosmetics everyday, and use the cleaser every night. You feel like you have just stepped out of a saloon fantastic feeling.
我每天都會化淡妝上班, 每晚就用這款潔顏油來清潔, 那感覺簡直就像是在美容沙龍體驗貴賓級細緻、周到的服務!

Really gets deep down, and cleans away the dirt in every pore! Best cleasing oil ever! Feels great when followed with pure delight cleanser.
真的清潔得很徹底, 我的鼻子毛孔有點粗大, 夏季黑頭就靠這款潔顏油來幫忙啦!用她按摩的時候,