HARDcANDY旗下品牌bySUN在AW16倫敦時裝周SHOWROOM展出AW16系列, 作品得到一致好評, 期間吸引不少倫敦當地時尚媒體、時尚達人的來訪, 也成功為新系列帶來大量的訂單!借此機會, Candy帶我們秘訪bySUN倫敦的工作室, 由Hannie揭秘bySUN最新系列的創作內幕!
Androgynous是從本世紀初才開始流行的新詞, 在這之前, 短髮西裝的女孩被稱作dyke, 而長髮纖瘦的男孩被稱作“娘”。 中性風在時尚的輪回裡不斷地被呈現在放大鏡下被審視, 被嘗試, 被試驗和改造, 從2000年代的Agyness Deyn, 到後來的Rain Dove, Freja Beha, Omahyra Mota和Ruby Rose……有人或許覺得所謂的“中性”就是穿著皮衣和褲子的短髮平胸女孩, 殊不知模糊了性別了的女孩們在歷史上就早已坐實了屬於她們的一片天地。
While some people may think androgyny is about women just throwing on a pair of trousers or getting their hair cut short by a barber, it's actually got quite a long and complex history in human culture. The word "androgyny" itself (meaning "combining aspects of both genders" ) isGreekin origin. One of the most prominent goddesses inthe Greek pantheon — Athena, goddess of war —was often depicted and rogynously. That said,and rogyny has a strong history for womenoutside of Europe, too.